Salt + Rock
Two dudes talking about stuff that impacts daily life. We're not trying to create world peace, bridge the political divide, or save the world. We just want to discuss things to make it easier for the average christian to navigate today's world. In short, learning to be the salt of the earth by having a more firm foundation on our rock. We are Salt. Christ is our Rock. This is Salt + Rock.
Salt + Rock
Ep 13 Simon (Peter) Fishing, Faith, and the Transfiguration
Blake Walker & Britain Rogers
Season 1
Episode 13
This week we're kicking off a 3 part series on Simon Peter. We dive into Jesus renaming Simon, Peter, and learn about how our faith can be limited by our vision. We also discuss obedience, discipline, and even more faith. We end this week discussing how the transfiguration is still hard to wrap our heads around 2000 years later.
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